Sandy Hook: the hideous messages still being sent to families

“Most conspiracy theories are, unless you’re the one pushing them, pretty absurdly funny. Conspiracy theorists are always good for a chuckle.
Until they aren’t.”
Dr Patrick Stokes – Why conspiracy theories aren’t harmless fun
Conspiracy theorists hurt people. They hurt real people who have already been hurt beyond the imagination of most of us. Anti-vaccination activists go after the families of babies who have died from whooping cough. Holocaust denialists compound the hurt suffered by Holocaust victims, survivors, and their families. And Sandy Hook hoaxers send death threats to the bereaved families of murdered elementary school children and their teachers. That’s only three examples. Pick a catastrophic event and there will be a denialist movement set up to question that the event ever happened.
Who does that?
Today we will be including a new collection of evidence showing that Sandy Hook hoaxers are still sending threats and other astonishingly offensive, abusive messages directly to the bereaved families of the Sandy Hook mass murder. The collection will be included at the end of this post.
We also want to promote the HONR Network, founded by Sandy Hook parent, Lenny Pozner, father of Noah Pozner.
The Sandy Hook Tragedy Didn’t End at Sandy Hook – You Can Help End It NowWe bring awareness to the cruelty and criminality of Hoaxer activity that perpetuates tragedies such as Sandy Hook and, if necessary, criminally and civilly prosecute those who wittingly and publicly defame, harass, and emotionally abuse the victims of high-profile tragedies and their family members. We intend to hold such abusers personally accountable for their actions, in whatever capacity the law allows.In the aftermath of horrific tragedies such as the mass shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School, the Orlando Pulse nightclub, Santa Barbara, the Aurora Theater, and even the Boston Marathon bombing, an offensive element of society, known as ‘truthers’ have seized the opportunity to advance their conspiracy theorist mindset upon the masses, by posting a litany of various forms of speculation and disinformation on YouTube and social media sites. We refer to these individuals as ‘hoaxers’ because the core of their belief is that these violent tragedies were simply Hoaxes, perpetrated by the government to more easily limit civil liberties, especially those involving the second amendment.Rather than focusing their delusional grievances and accusations on authorities, the Hoaxers take the path of least resistance, harassing and emotionally abusing the victims’ family members online, on the telephone, and even in person (see Sandy Hook Denier Arrested After Death Threats Made to Parent of Victim).
So, how can we help? You can take action alongside the HONR Network; or, you can simply report and flag hoaxer and related vileness whenever you come across it. You can turn this into a habit: if you see it, report it; it doesn’t take long. From what I have witnessed, first-hand, this can be a successful method of having this offensive material quickly removed from YouTube and other social media platforms.
Most of us are repulsed by the activities of conspiracy theorists who attack bereaved families. There is no point in all of us expressing our rage every time another nadir is reached by conspiracy theorists. We can do something about it. We need to do something about it.
How are these families, so incomprehensibly and violently transgressed, ever allowed to grieve? How can they go on? How do they go on, being threatened and vilified on top of the horrific emotional wounds which would destroy many of us; one evil compounded upon another? Why do we allow the people in these short videos to suffer, even more than before, at the hands of conspiracy theorists?
From ABC’s Foreign Correspondent, June 28 2016 (watch Lisa Millar’s full Foreign Correspondent episode further down below):
On July 1 2016, Lisa Millar also published a Foreign Correspondent follow-up article on the threats and abuse received by Sandy Hook families:
It continues to this day.“F*** you!! Your child never died at Sandy Hook,” is one among thousands of online posts that Lenny and Veronique Pozner have had to deal with as they mourn their six-year-old son Noah.“Where’s Noah going to die next?” is another.
On March 31 2017, Hannah D’Avino – whose sister, Rachel, a behavioural therapist, was murdered at Sandy Hook – told Mike Wendling of the BBC about the regular death threats she and her family still receive from hoaxers:
On March 31 2017, Lenny Pozner also spoke to Mike Wendling about the hoaxers, and what he does about them:
On December 8 2016, Lenny Pozner was interviewed by Anderson Cooper on CNN about the impact of Sandy Hook hoaxers on his family, and the actions taken to hold these hoaxers to account. It is worthwhile watching this whole 8-minute interview:
One of the hoaxers mentioned by Anderson Cooper, above, is Lucy Richards, since sentenced to five months in prison for her death threats made to Lenny Pozner:
The other hoaxer mentioned, above, by Anderson Cooper is James Tracy, a now-former Florida Atlantic University communications professor who made his outrageous allegations immediately following the murders at Sandy Hook:
Tracy’s comments from January 11 2013 are demonstrably worthy of the scorn and disbelief afforded them by Cooper:
Another of the main Sandy Hook hoaxers is a person by the name of Wolfgang Halbig:
Halbig also spoke to Mike Wendling of the BBC, on March 31 2017, in a sickening display of disingenuous, mock concern for the families about whom he lies:
Another more recent hoaxer is a New York troll named Felix Pantaleon.
Recently, Pantaleon – an anti-Semitic, right-wing Trump fan and wannabe-anon who still has a Myspace page – was so incensed that Lenny Pozner and HONR had exposed him that he went whining to the police about being targeted online, filing false and vexatious police reports against Lenny Pozner. Pantaleon posts most of his abuse and threats on YouTube and on Google Plus, in his conspiracy group – under several usernames – a group which includes threats made against Lenny Pozner which feature sniper rifle emoticons:
Pantaleon has been threatening Lenny Pozner for many months, accusing him of being a “child abuser” and lying about online posts:
Pantaleon has also been threatening to doxx Lenny Pozner. It is no secret that Lenny Pozner – like other Sandy Hook families – has had to move house several times because of threats from hoaxers:
Collection of threats and abuse
Example of a death threat posted to Lenny Pozner’s YouTube channel, by Andrew Vaessen:
ha Lenny soon the world will all know what you did then where going to come after you and kill you slowly you fucken cunt
The death threats left on Lenny Pozner’s voicemail, by Lucy Richards, on January 10 2016:
Broadcast on June 28 2016, ABC journalist Lisa Millar revisited Sandy Hook parents she had met several years earlier. The remarkable half-hour Foreign Correspondent episode was uploaded to Lenny Pozner’s HONR Network YouTube channel:
These are the comments which appear directly underneath that YouTube video:
ANOTHER BULLSHIT ABC STORY! ABC HAS BECOME AS BAD AS THE BBC (PROTECTORS OF PEDOPHILES) AND ALL THE OTHER LYING NETWORKSThere has been so many psyops/hoaxes that it’s hard to keep up with them now. SHAME ON THEM. MORE AND MORE OF US ARE WAKING UP! THEY ARE RUNNING SCARED NOW BECAUSE WE SEE THEM BUT THEY WILL NOT STOP UNTIL WE STAND TOGETHER AND PUT A STOP TO THESE CRIMINALS OURSELVES. IF I SEE YOU AGAIN IN MY CITY, YOU BETTER BE LOOKING OVER YOUR SHOULDER!There is a very special place in hell for all the participants in the Sandy Hook Hoax. You are not even human beings…You are freakin monsters. The most pathetic miscreants on the planet earth. The slime at the bottom of the swamp called the US Government. And I hope what little is left of your own concience and human emotions like SHAME,GUILT & REMORSE over what you have participated in haunts you day & night for the rest of your miserable sell-out lives.Shut your lying fucking face. I wish I could throw a bomb though you window! Don’t like what I say then send the so called authorities after me.You fake, criminal Sandy Hook parents are disgusting. How dare you insult the countless parents that have truly lost their children. No, I will NOT be donating and no, I will not be giving up my gun……I spit on all of you propagandists.
On July 5 2017, Leif Derek Truitt sent this to Lenny Pozner:
On June 14 and June 15 2017, Wolfgang Halbig sent the following emails to Lenny Pozner:

Subject: I have NO reason as of today to doubt that 20 children and 6 educators did not die at Sandy Hook. As of today they are all dead until proven otherwise.Nico:Alex Jones has a child right?Would he if living in Newtown Ct before the shooting had even taken place send his 1 first grade child into that filthy and deplorable looking school that was used as a Toxic waste Dump every single school day?…Filthy and deplorable looking Elementary SchoolThink…put your parent hat on for just a few minutes and tell me that you would expose your child K-4 grade to high levels of Asbestos every single school day that is friable?Tell me that you would send your k-4 grade child into that elementary with the highest levels of lead paint every single school day?Tell me that you would send your K-4 grade into a elementary school in which the groundwater under the school is fully loaded with PCB’S as well as inside the school?Every parent who lost a child at Sandy Hook and every loved one who lost a husband or wife or finance on that tragic day should be ashamed by standing by and exposing their loved ones to serious life long health risks.Who would do that to their precious child or loved one?Why would anyone have worked at Sandy Hook Elementary School knowing that it was a filthy and deplorable looking school loaded with Toxic Waste?These parents, the Newtown School Superintendent, the Newtown CT School Board members but most of all it was the parents who failed their children by sending them to this Toxic Elementary School every day.These people lived in $500,000 thousand dollar homes and yet they failed their own child in exposing them to life long serious health problems. Why?20 children and 6 educators died at Sandy Hook as far as I know it.But, they should have never died in such filth and exposed to Toxic Waste every single school day.I always thought that the parents highest priority was the safety of their child?You can blame people for questioning Sandy Hook School Shooting Massacre, but you need to questions your parental responsibility first.Why would you do that to your own innocent and precious child who depends on the parents to keep them safe.wolfgang

On June 10 2o17, Lori Rogers posted the following comments to a Pozner family YouTube video:
Was that done in Pakistan or Newtown Connecticut…? LOL sorry Noah!!!
gmedack no no one was murdered sorry… now maybe they are truly dead but not in the FAKE SANDYHOOK LIE!!! Sorry do your research there is zero evidence zero evidence in this case… And I don’t take “well it was ON the news”!!! So give me evidence that is court worthy and then I will redact my comment!
No I will not go away these people have stolen millions and millions of dollars from innocent good hearted people that have been lied to by these liars… The POZNERS should stop posting these bullshit videos for sympathy..oh yeah I’m the stupid one yeah right you guys are buying into these bullshit lies because what they’re on TV?? I’m sure all of you think that 9/11 happened by Osama bin Laden .. The same man that has visited the White House! Stop watching mainstream media and start doing some research of your own!!!! There are plenty of other people just like myself that will not go away or be Silenced by LIARS LIKE LENNY OR THE WHEELERS!!! Thanks and have a good day and do yourself a favor watch the video
Geri Medack Who is following me?? I don’t have a YouTube channel that I make videos on..I am simply someone. Who does not follow mainstream media and I do independent research on such things as Sandyhook 9/11 the Manchester bombing the Boston bombing The Oklahoma bombing Or any other bombing or shooting that The aftermath is to take my civil liberties away such as THE Patriot Act OR MY GUN RIGHTS ( The 2nd Amendment)!!! SO For people like you that just want to rollover and have your government LIE to you and then one by one take your CIVIL LIBERTIES Away.. then that’s on you but I’m not that stupid nor a SHEEP SO BAHH BAHHH you FOOLS!!
Geri Medack why don’t you fucking listen to what these phony fake fucking parents LIKE THE POZNERS & WHEELERS & All the Rest of the crisis Actors are trying to do JACKASS!!! They’re trying to take away the guns in Florida after the fucking FAKE PULSE shooting … It’s an agenda!! It’s The Hegelian Dialectic. PROBLEM REACTION SOLUTION .. You’re just a moron…YOU simpleton just keep living in your fairytale .. that your government is honest and they’re looking out for the best interest of all of US!!! GOOD SHEEP
On June 9 2017, Red Dogg Truth left this comment on a Noah Pozner memorial birthday video:
On June 9 2017, this YouTube comment was left on one of Lenny Pozner’s videos:
On June 6 2017, Frederick Muhlbauer sent this email to Lenny Pozner:
On May 20 2017, Lenny Pozner received this email:
May I call you Lenny, even though your mother probably called you Leonard….Such a nice Jewish boy .Oh Vey!They say you are just part of the”shadow powers of lies.
So I am curious to know how did your supposed son have his picture with the supposed dead in the supposed slaying of children in Pakistan?
So with all this stuff back and forth with the truthers and the halbig guy and the guests on Caravan To Midnight,Alex Jones,Jeff Rense.Jim Fetzer, Etc, Etc.
How come someone like yourself has not presented proof of the SH slaying so we can call it a day. Why the vagueness?
Are you really only a fictitious person….I am hearing rumors….and I say rumors, that indeed pediphilia is involved with the SH cover-up.
YIKES STRIPES…can you feel their spikes….What a horrible thing to say.
I will tell you I dont know a thing but the SH deal with Pres Obummer doesn’t prove a God Damned thing. I trust him like I trust a infected whore.
Another peculiar person, although I can not condemn him since I have not concrete evidence suspicious presence, is in fact that this John Woodall. He seems to pop up whenever there is a disaster. And to think his hometown
is in Newton CT. hmmm he shows up after 911, and Boston Bombing as well. What really blows my mind is that he is a good member within The Baha’i Community.
Now my dear Lenny…..How could it be possible that a member of the Baha’i Faith in good standing be involved in help perpetrating such a gigantic lie and play along with such deception?
It boggles all logic to us Sherlock Holmes types. Well this may be a case for BOND, JAMES BOND…oh wait a minute…He is MI6 which is cousins with the CIA.
I want to bring in the Rothschild Banking family but they get way too much play from the Truthers.
So Lenny end the curiosity of many by proving SH was not a false flag.
I hope you are not an Atheist.
Little secret……………………………………………………
GOD KNOWS ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And we will continue to seek for the truth on these matters so it be revealed to humanity PRONTO! Say hello to the Boys 4 me….hahahahaArrivederci.Tu PisanoAmario Cascio who fights the illuminati with one hand tied behind his back!!!
On April 4 2017, Vincent Colantuoni sent the following emails to Lenny Pozner:
Challenged by another HONR member, Colantuoni offered this in response:
On March 23 2017, Sam Gallant posted this comment underneath one of Lenny Pozner’s memorial videos for Noah, on Google Plus:
On February 16 2017, this email was sent to Lenny Pozner:
On December 14 2016, Matthew Dean posted this Facebook comment to Lenny Pozner:
On December 10 2016, Anthony Hunsberger sent the following Facebook direct messages to Lenny Pozner:
On December 4 2016, one of Lenny Pozner’s Google Plus videos was shared, along with this abuse:
On December 4 2016, this comment was posted to the HONR Network’s Google Plus page, by Julio Amparo:
On December 1 2016, Julio Amparo left this abusive comment on a video he shared from the HONR Network, on Google Plus:
On November 14 2016, Gene Rosen sent this abusive email to Lenny Pozner:
On November 14 2016, this abusive text message was sent to Lenny Pozner’s phone:
On October 14 2016, Felix Pantaleon sent a false and defamatory email to an apartment complex, hoping to gain personal and residential information on Lenny Pozner. The apartment complex promptly sent the email on to Lenny:
On September 17 2016, Trevor Colyn sent this Facebook direct message to Lenny Pozner:
In early 2016, Daniella Thoelen sent this message to Lenny Pozner, via YouTube:
This is an even earlier, common example of the type of direct messages which are sent to Sandy Hook families:
Of course, needless to say, this list is not exhaustive. These were just some of the examples of the torment handed out to bereaved families, from multiple tragedies, by conspiracy theorists.
Hold them to account. Make them answerable.
Listen to the following interview, featuring HONR member Marcus Mancini, on Connecticut radio station WATR. Published overnight, the segment is a masterpiece: HONR Volunteer, M. G. Mancini, speaks with WATR.COM Radio.
“The criminality and the hate that’s been levied toward these families is frankly sickening.”As harassment of victims of tragedies increases, HONR Network urges responsible citizens to take action against hoaxers.“It’s the right thing to do…it takes 60 seconds of your time.”
Further evidence of threats and vilification
February 17 2018, from Jerry Lafreniere:
February 18 2018, from Angela Dobbs:
This entry was posted in abuse, Conspiracy theory, death threats, mobbing, Public mobbing, Sandy Hook, Sandy Hook hoaxers, skeptic and tagged abuse, conspiracy theorist, death threats, Sandy Hook, Sandy Hook hoaxers, threats, thugs. Bookmark the permalink.
I just don’t get it! Their level of paranoia is amazing – how do they EXIST in a daily basis with this FEAR????